Bastyon - decentralized social video platform & mini-app marketplace powered by PKOIN

1.6М+ Monthly Users: More than 99% of Projects in Crypto

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User Growth

One of the Biggest Communities in Crypto

Google Play 172k active devices from 176 countries Rating of 4.3

Apple appstore app got to 54.6k downloads in less 1 year!

Desktop app 46352 downloads from Github

1. Ads

Current Usage:

1.662 million

unique visitors per month:

1.39M on web, 172k on Android, 54.2k on iPhone, 46.3k on Desktop

Visitors spend 5 sessions per month on average

Advertising Performance:

28 cents

CPM derived from:

8.4 million total visits per month.

2. Staking Calculator

*(?)30% Staking Return in 2025

6 Months
1 Year

4. Chat

(analogous to Telegram, WhatsApp)


Highly Secure: Fully p2p decrypted, innovative encryption using blockchain for key exchange


Integrated payments: PKOIN payments are one click in the encrypted chat

5. Mini-apps

Bastyon has a simpe SDK for developers to build mini-apps in days

1. Super fast development: Bastyon has a simple SDK for developers to build mini-apps in days
2. Immediate Traction: Devs of mini apps get access to 1M++ userbase immediately with no marketing budget
3. Payments Enabled: Full integration of PKOIN payment methods into any app with minimal coding

6. Barteron – Decentralized Marketplace;
Crypto & PKOIN Enabled

1ST MINI-APP Barteron – real value, real utility for PKOIN


Market cap of Steemit is 16,3X the market cap of PKOIN Total Traffic for Steemit is only 1.58X that of Bastyon (2.63M vs 1.66M for web + apps) Thus, PKOIN has to 10.3X just to catch up with Steem

Sources of Growth for PKOIN


Rapid user & activity growth due to demand for decentralization of speech


Barteron gives real world uses to PKOIN (food, clothes, electronics, real estate)


Launch of mini-apps rapidly increases scope of use of PKOIN


Launch of WPKOIN increases target market & ease of entry